BHA: Calls for inquiry as documentary reveals creationism in ‘faith’ schools

The BHA has called for a full parliamentary inquiry into ‘faith’ schools following revelations in a new television documentary.

‘Faith School Menace?’, presented by BHA distinguished supporter Professor Richard Dawkins, featured interviews with religious lobbyists, parents, pupils and experts including BHA chief executive Andrew Copson.

In the film Professor Dawkins discovered that RE lessons in some ‘faith’ schools present creationism as scientific fact, directly contradicting the evolution components of the national curriculum.

In a particularly shocking scene, he found that all 60 Year 10 science students at a Muslim secondary school reject the theory of evolution in favour of the Qur’an’s story of Creation. The episode led Professor Dawkins to call for RE to fall under the National Curriculum and for RE teaching in ‘faith’ schools to be inspected by Ofsted – a policy the BHA has advocated for many years.

The programme also presented the findings of an exclusive ICM poll, in which 59 per cent of the public said they were opposed to any form of state funding for ‘faith’ schools.

The screening of the documentary comes as the BHA launches a major new fundraising campaign to support its work against state-funded ‘faith’ schools.

BHA chief executive Andrew Copson said:

‘The programme confirms what the BHA has known for many years – that ‘faith’ schools can cause religious and socio-economic segregation and lead to thousands of pupils being denied a broad, balanced and inclusive education. What’s more, as this new poll demonstrates, they are opposed by a clear majority of the public.’

‘Throughout the BHA’s many years of campaigning on this issue, parents, teachers and pupils themselves have consistently opposed ‘faith’ schools. The reasons are clear – they are divisive, discriminatory and unable to fully recognise the rights of their pupils. Unfortunately, with the coalition government’s massive deregulation of education, the situation is only going to get worse.’

Speaking on the teaching of creationism in English ‘faith’ schools, Mr Copson commented:

‘The programme highlights why we urgently need a tightening up of the legal requirements to prevent creation stories being taught as anything other than religious beliefs. If, as this film seems to suggest, creationism is already being taught as fact in conventional ‘faith’ schools then how does the government propose to keep it out of religious ‘free’ schools, which will not have to follow the National Curriculum and are outside local authority control?’

Explaining the BHA’s call for a parliamentary inquiry, Mr Copson continued:

‘We are calling on the newly-formed education select committee to conduct a full inquiry into ‘faith’ schools, looking particularly at their impact on community cohesion, their effect on pupils’ rights, their effect on a balanced curriculum of objective teaching about religious and non-religious beliefs, and the extent to which science teaching may be undermined. Now is the time for politicians to take a critical look at the role of ‘faith’ schools and ask if they really are serving the best interests of children and the wider community.’

Describing the BHA’s new ‘faith’ schools fundraising campaign, Mr Copson said:

‘The documentary comes at an opportune time for the BHA as this week we launch a major new fundraising drive to ensure we can continue to employ our dedicated ‘faith’ schools campaigner for another year. We hope the documentary will act as an incentive for all those concerned about the power and influence of religious groups in our schools to support our work. We must act now to ensure a fairer, more inclusive education for our children in the future.’


For further comment contact Andrew Copson on 07534 248596.

For further information contact BHA ‘faith’ schools campaigns officer James Gray on 020 7462 4993 or

Voluntary-aided ‘faith’ schools, unlike other schools, can teach their own syllabus of RE which is not inspected by Ofsted.

The BHA has been at the forefront of bringing to public attention the growing threat to education from creationism. See for more information.

For further details of the ‘faith schools’ fundraising campaign please see

The British Humanist Association (BHA) is the national charity representing and supporting the non-religious and campaigning for an end to religious privilege and discrimination based on religion or belief.