IET commends Ofgem’s smart metering progress

Following today’s launch of the Smart Metering Prospectus, the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has commended Ofgem and key stakeholders on the progress that has been made during the first stage of the Smart Metering Implementation Programme.

The IET finds it encouraging that there is recognition of the need for the smart metering system to be capable of future development into a smart grid system.

Simon Harrison, Chair of the IET Energy Policy Panel said: “Planning the upgrade path from smart meters to a smart grid will be key to the success of this project and we must ensure that as the implementation plan gains pace the longer terms goals are kept firmly in sight.”

Compared to the earlier consultation documents there is a real appreciation of the scale of the system integration issue and the need to safeguard data protection and system security. But the devil is in the detail and IET experts in Energy, IT and Communications will be collaborating to scrutinise the proposals from a multi-disciplinary perspective over the next weeks.

Martyn Thomas, Member of the IET IT Policy Panel commented: “Overall the attention to security and data protection is encouraging – but there is a lot of detail to get right before anyone starts building and installing meters. Is the timetable realistic?”

Duncan Botting, Member of the IET Energy Policy Panel said: “Much progress has been made but a lot more work is needed to take the functional requirements to the next level of technical detail. New elements in a smart energy system, particularly electric vehicle charging, micro-generation and heat pumps, will be significant from 2018 onwards, well within the life of the first smart meters. These aspects need to be considered urgently and from an international perspective.”

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Robert Beahan
Press Officer

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Notes to editors:

.The IET has expert spokespeople available to comment on smart grids and smart meters.

.The IET is Europe’s largest body of engineers with 150,000 members drawn from all areas of engineering, including Power, IT and communications.

.An IET background Briefing on Smart Grids is available at