IET: New government plans for Smart Meters being scrutinised by Europe’s leading engineering society

Today the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change outlined his vision for the future of the UK’s energy.

Part of the vision is the roll-out of smart meters. DECC and GEMA today released a detailed strategy for the UK’s smart metering system.

The IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) will study these new plans to determine whether the proposed way forward meets the scale of the engineering challenge ahead.

IET experts on energy, IT and communications will be gauging the efficacy of the government’s new plans by scrutinising them against 8 key criteria:

1.Implementation of smart metering that will enable the development of future smart grids;
2.Operational security of the national energy infrastructure;
3.Full regard for personal data protection;
4.Recognition of the interdependency of energy with the other parts of the UK’s infrastructure;
5.Enabling a ‘systems engineering’ approach to be taken, with rigorous design that ensures a security;
6.Incorporating best practice in the design and implementation of large IT-enabled business change projects;
7.Cost effectiveness;
8.and Public Engagement

The smart metering system needs to be designed to enable a future national smart grid. This will be a prerequisite for delivering the 2050 UK target to reduce emissions by 80% relative to 1990 levels. A smart meter connected to a smart grid would enable domestic appliances such as washing machines to react to energy availability and price. This will help to lower peaks in demand without impacting consumers’ lifestyles.

Media enquiries to:
Jonathan Holdcroft
Press Officer

Tel: +44 (0)1438 765628
Mob: +44(0)7515 814884

Notes to editors:

The IET has expert spokespeople available to comment on smart grids and smart meters.

For more information on Smart Grids and Smart Meters see:

The IET is the largest professional society of engineers in Europe.