BHA: Looking forward to Humanist Week 2010

The Humanist Heritage of the UK forms the theme of Humanist Week 2010, the British Humanist Association’s (BHA) second annual week of activity surrounding World Humanist Day (21st June).

The week will be held from 21st-27th June and will involve a number of activities including a day conference on Humanism, Philosophy and the Arts, Humanism, Philosophy and the Arts a new website celebrating Humanist Heritage and features from BHA distinguished supporters about their humanist heroes on the BHA’s magazine site Humanist Life.

The week aims to increase awareness of Humanism at a local and national level and will include information stalls and displays run by local humanist groups in many areas of the country.

BHA Chief Executive Andrew Copson, commented, “We are very much looking forward to celebrating Humanism and humanists with local groups and individuals across the country.

“This year’s theme, Humanist Heritage, allows us to celebrate the heroes and heroines of Humanism- those who have contributed not just to the history of Humanism but to society at large.”


For further comment or information, contact Pepper Harow at or 020 7462 4992.