BHA: Abortion advertising important for women’s choice and wellbeing

An advert to be aired tonight for Marie Stopes International, which offers post-conception advice and services, including abortion, has been welcomed by humanists as increasing choice and autonomy.

Naomi Phillips, BHA Head of Public Affairs, commented, ‘Many will be surprised that only now will the first advert be broadcast on television to give women information about options they have following an unwanted pregnancy. It is vital that women with unintended and unwanted pregnancies are able to access, in a timely way, accurate, objective information about all of the options open to them. It seems that television advertising could be an effective way of reaching thousands of such women, and is to be welcomed.’

‘The inclusion of compulsory Sex and Relationships Education in the curriculum for all state-funded schools was dropped from legislation by the previous Government just before the election. Neither Party in the Coalition Government was opposed to compulsory SRE, although we wait to see detail of the forthcoming Education Bill to understand how the school curriculum may still accommodate high quality teaching and learning in that important subject.’


For further comment or information, contact Naomi Phillips on 020 7079 3585 or 07540 257101..

The British Humanist Association (BHA) is the national charity representing and supporting the non-religious and campaigning for an end to religious privilege and discrimination based on religion or belief. The BHA contributes to debate on a wide range of ethical issues from stem cell research to sex education. The BHA is a member of the National Children’s Bureau Sex Education Forum (SEF) and the Children’s Rights Alliance for England.

The BHA is committed to encouraging informed and responsible choice. Therefore, we believe that all children are entitled to full and accurate SRE, including unbiased information on contraception, STIs, abortion, sexual orientation, and the many forms of family relationship conducive to individual fulfilment and the stability of society.