BHA: Hertfordshire constabulary first force to add humanists to their chaplaincy team

TWO humanist lay advisors have joined the ranks of volunteers who support frontline police officers and support staff in Hertfordshire Constabulary.

HERTFORDSHIRE Constabulary has become the first force in the country to have Humanists join their 20-strong voluntary team.

Pam Burn and Ray Owen, who both have extensive experience in giving advice and support in other organisations, started this month. The chaplaincy support team is currently composed of people from a variety of belief groups, including Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Pagan.

Superintendant Simon Hawkins, lead for faith, religion and belief, said: “As we have sought to expand and provide a more diverse chaplaincy support service, I am really pleased that we have the services of Humanists within Hertfordshire Constabulary.

“It is vital that we provide appropriate support structures to our police officers and staff, and that they can have a choice that is compatible with their religion, belief or faith. Diversity is very much about respecting each others’ differences and the chaplaincy has a key role to play when supporting our people and offering an independent ear to listen to their issues or concerns.”

Pam is in the third generation of Humanists in her family, her grandfather first turning to Humanism after the atrocities he saw in the First World War. Ray has been a Humanist celebrant since the 1980s.

Both Ray and Pam, members of the British Humanist Association, have experience in counselling through former work with Samaritans and other emergency services like the fire service. It is also part of their roles as humanist celebrants, where they conduct birth ceremonies, marriages, funerals and other key ceremonies.

Pam said: “This is a very new role for us in the police, but we are really looking forward to joining the existing team.

“Police officers and staff play a vital role in our communities and we are very pleased to support them through our work.”

Andrew Copson, chief executive of the British Humanist Association, welcomed the appointments.

He said, “Humanist members of chaplaincy and support teams exist in many places in the world such as Norway, Belgium and the Netherlands, where they provide the sort of support to non-religious people that takes account of their distinct philosophical and emotional needs.

“We very much welcome the inclusive and progressive instinct that has led Hertfordshire Constabulary to include humanists in their own provision.”

Factfile on humanism:

Humanism is based on reason not faith: the humanist view of the universe does not depend on a god or gods.
Humanists try to follow the golden rule: treat other people as you would like them to treat you, avoid harming others.
Humanists believe that morality is based on human nature, human society and human experience, not given to us by a god.
Humanists believe science provides the only reliable source of knowledge about this universe.
Humanists believe we only live this life – there is no after-life, and no such thing as reincarnation.
Humanists believe that human beings can live ethical and fulfilling lives without religious beliefs. Humans alone are responsible for sustaining and improving our quality of life on this planet.
Humanists believe that human beings derive their moral code from evolution, personal experience, rational thinking, thought and the lessons of history.
Humanists value all human beings, celebrating common humanity, shared values and the diversity of human culture.
To find out more, please see the British Humanist Association (BHA) website
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Note to Editors: Photos of Pam and Ray are available by contacting Corporate Communication on the number below.

For further information please contact Laurel Smithson, Press and PR officer for Hertfordshire Constabulary, on 01707 354587.

The British Humanist Association is the national charity representing and supporting the interests of ethically concerned, non-religious people in the UK.