BHA pays tribute to humanist former MPs

The British Humanist Association (BHA) has paid tribute to the dedication and hard work of all the humanist MPs who have retired or lost their seats at the General Election. The All Party Parliamentary Humanist Group in Parliament (APPHG), which is supported by the British Humanist Association (BHA), has retained the majority of its humanist MPs members. However, there have also been some significant losses, including BHA Vice President Dr Evan Harris, former APPHG Secretary Paul Holmes, Dr Nick Palmer, Ken Purchase, and BHA Distinguished Supporters John Austin, Michael Clapham, Bob Marshall-Andrews and Julie Morgan.

Andrew Copson, BHA Chief Executive, said, ‘Following the election there is a clear and undoubted loss not only to Humanism but to wider politics of some truly excellent and principled MPs. Humanist MPs are at the forefront in Parliament of working for the most important, ethical issues of our time, whether that is championing equality and human rights, promoting a non-religious, rational perspective on public ethical issues, or making the arguments for inclusive education and against divisive faith schools. We pay tribute today to the immeasurable contribution of humanists in Parliament.’

‘However, we are positive that the Humanist Group in Parliament will gain from the new intake of MPs, and the BHA also continues to benefit from the support of former MPs such as our Vice President Evan Harris, who we have no doubt will continue to represent humanist issues, being at the forefront of campaigning for real and positive change.’


For further comment or information, contact Andrew on 07534 248596.

Read more about the BHA’s campaigns.

The British Humanist Association was founded in 1896 and is the national charity promoting Humanism, campaigning for a secular state and an open society and representing and supporting non-religious people.

Naomi Phillips
Head of Public Affairs
British Humanist Association (BHA)

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