IFAW: Painted elephant symbolises threat to species with message “Will Only Words Remain?”

A painted elephant sculpture going on display in a London park next week will highlight the threats to the species’ survival with its poignant message “Will Only Words Remain?”

The 1.5metre-high, fibreglass elephant, sponsored by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), is one of more than 250 elephant sculptures designed by artists and celebrities which will appear at locations around London on Monday (3rd May) and remain on display for several weeks. IFAW’s elephant is being displayed in Green Park.

The Elephant Parade London 2010, in conjunction with Elephant Family, is aimed at raising awareness of the plight of the Asian elephant and securing more than 250,000 signatures to a petition in their support, as well as at least £1m for Asian elephant conservation.

IFAW works to protect elephants and their habitats around the world from the many threats they face from illegal poaching for the ivory trade to habitat loss and human/elephant conflict.

Robbie Marsland, UK Director of IFAW, said: “IFAW is very pleased to be taking part in the Elephant Parade event with many other organisations and individuals to highlight the very serious threats to this iconic species. Twenty years after a worldwide ban on the ivory trade, elephants are still under threat and being slaughtered at an alarming rate by poachers.

“I hope that this positive event encourages as many people as possible to do all they can to protect elephants for future generations.”

Artist Jon Hicks, who works from a studio in South London, painted the eye-catching ‘Will Only Words Remain’ message on IFAW’s elephant.

To view IFAW’s elephant visit the display in Green Park from Monday (map route and additional information available on www.elephantparadelondon.org) or alternatively, visit IFAW’s website www.ifaw.org


For more information, pictures or to arrange interviews contact Clare Sterling at IFAW on 020 7587 6708, mobile 07917 507717 or email csterling@ifaw.org

Notes to Editors –

The IFAW elephant will be displayed alongside sculptures sponsored by around 15 other UK conservation organisations whose work benefits Asian elephants or habitats. These particular elephants will remain in their location at Green Park until June 23, after which they will join the rest of the herd at the Royal Hospital grounds in Chelsea. They will be auctioned in early July.

IFAW’s Will Only Words Remain campaign, which highlights the threats to many species including elephants, whales and seals, was initially developed by Rapp Collins in the Netherlands.

Artist Jon Hicks studied Fine Art before working as a pavement artist around the UK in the late 80s and early 90s. He still produces pavement art to commission. He has also worked as a scenic artist, producing work for film, television and the music industry, but now focuses on his live speed performance art for events.