Statement from Breast Cancer Care on research into pregnant women receiving chemotherapy

Statement from Breast Cancer Care on research from the University of Frankfurt presented to the European Breast Cancer Conference which suggests that pregnant women can receive chemotherapy for breast cancer without endangering the health of their babies.

Carolyn Rogers, Senior Clinical Nurse Specialist at Breast Cancer Care, said:

“Approximately one to two per cent of all breast cancers are diagnosed during pregnancy or in the year following pregnancy.

“The results of this study will be particularly reassuring for pregnant women with breast cancer who are concerned about the effects chemotherapy treatment might have on their unborn baby.

“This research builds on the growing body of evidence which suggests that pregnant women with breast cancer can be safely treated with similar chemotherapy regimes given to other patients. We welcome further long term research in to this area to establish the safest and most effective treatment in this patient group.

“Patients should discuss their concerns about treatment options with their healthcare teams and can call Breast Cancer Care’s freephone helpline, on 0808 800 6000, for further information and support.”


For further media information, please contact
Laura Grossart
0207 960 3473/ 0770 290 1334