Breast Cancer Care: Women from lower socioeconomic groups have poorer breast cancer survival rates

Jane Hatfield, Director of Policy and Campaigns at Breast Cancer Care, said:

“This large scale study builds on existing evidence of a disturbing gap in breast cancer survival rates between socioeconomic groups.

“We know that one of the reasons that women from poorer backgrounds in the UK have lower survival rates is that they are more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer at a later – and more advanced – stage than those from other groups. In addition, these women generally experience poorer health and are more likely to suffer from additional health problems which can impact on the effectiveness and choice of cancer treatments.

“There is an urgent need for more large scale research to help us understand and address this shocking survival gap.

“This research is a timely reminder that government and charities must – as a matter of urgent priority – work together to tackle these inequalities and close the gap in survival between these groups.”


For further media information, please contact
Laura Grossart
0207 960 3473/ 0770 290 1334