Statement from Breast Cancer Care on supply chain issues for breast cancer drugs

Olivia Marks-Woldman, Head of Policy and Campaigns at Breast Cancer Care, said:

“A diagnosis of breast cancer brings a complex range of emotional and practical concerns, and being unable to access necessary drugs can only cause extra anxiety at an already difficult time.

“Our helpline suggests to women and men in this position to ask their pharmacist to either contact the manufacturer direct or check if other local pharmacies have the drug.

“While we are not aware of individuals ultimately being denied drugs, it is clearly unacceptable that they do not have timely access to medicines that form a vital part of their treatment.

“We welcome the recent findings from the Department of Health’s summit in to this issue, and hope that its actions can be quickly implemented so that patients do not face unnecessary anxiety each time their prescription needs renewing.”


Breast Cancer Care is here for anyone affected by breast cancer. We bring people together, provide information and support, and campaign for improved standards of care. We use our understanding of people’s experience of breast cancer and our clinical expertise in everything we do. Visit or call our free helpline on 0808 800 6000.

Ian Manley

Press and PR Officer

0207 960 3450

Breast Cancer Care

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