Guide Dogs: New Year fireworks celebrations, Think of guide dogs and other assistance dogs

With the New Year increasingly welcomed through fireworks celebrations, guide dog and other assistance dog owners are becoming increasingly worried about the safety of their dogs, many of whom find the loud bangs associated with fireworks too much to bear.

Many readers will be aware that the Fireworks Code reminds us to keep pets indoors at times when fireworks are expected to be used in celebration, for example New Year’s Eve. However, with fireworks now regularly being let off for weeks before and after January 1st, the people who depend on assistance dogs for freedom and mobility find that they are no longer able to lead an independent life. They are often left housebound, fearing the impact of fireworks on their dog’s health and ability to work.

Assistance Dogs UK – a coalition of the charities Guide Dogs, Canine Partners, Dogs for the Disabled, Hearing Dogs, Support Dogs and Dog Aid – is asking readers to limit any firework celebration to New Year’s Eve, to attend fully-organised displays or alternatively, ensure that fireworks are let off well away from residential areas?

Sadly, some assistance dogs who have been severely affected by the sound of fireworks have to take medication which stops them working for a while. The symptoms are shaking, quivering, nervousness and cowering – a kind of canine ‘shell shock’, so severe that dogs have to be sedated for several days.

In the more severe cases, dogs become so traumatised that they are forced into an early retirement, as they are unable to cope with everyday noises such as train doors slamming or the sound of a car backfiring. Both these scenarios mean the disabled person is left without the help of the dog that has transformed their independence and often become their lifeline.

Limiting fireworks to fully organised displays allows the owner of an assistance dog to plan ahead for the wellbeing of their dog and avoid unnecessary stress to both dog and owner.

Assistance Dogs (UK) is grateful to all the readers who do remember guide dogs and other assistance dogs during the season’s festivities and wishes everyone a safe and peaceful New Year.

Alan Brooks (Chairman – Assistance Dogs UK)