Weekly Brief 48 of 2009 from the FSB

Small Business, Big Vote

The FSB launched its election manifesto, ‘Small Business, Big Vote: The Route to Recovery – FSB 2010 Manifesto’, this week. We told the Financial Times, The Sun and the Daily Telegraph, as well as BBC Radio, that small businesses have survived by innovating and creating new products and services with results from the most extensive survey of small firms during the recession – the FSB-ICM ‘Voice of Small Business’ Annual Survey 2009.

Job Centre Plus

The government announced it will be reforming Jobcentre Plus, in plans that will include a job matching service, training for small firms, an overhaul of the website and dedicated small business managers. This is a real victory for the FSB, which has been lobbying for these changes for the past few months. Read the coverage in the Daily Star.

Post Bank

The FSB raised concerns in a letter to the Daily Telegraph, as part of the Post Bank Coalition, that the Government lacks vision in its Post Office Banking consultation and that it should commit to creating a Government-run Post Bank.

‘Give us a break’

John Wright wrote an opinion piece to The Times explaining that changes to the tax rules on self-catering holiday properties could have a devastating impact on the tourism industry, as part of the FSB’s ongoing ‘Give us a Break’ campaign.

FSB Officials visit Cockermouth

National Chairman John Wright was joined by Alan Mossop, FSB’s West Cumbria Branch Chairman, Cuthbert Culshaw, Regional Chairman Lancashire and Cumbria, and Tim Lazenby, FSB Insurance Managing Director, in Cockermouth this week to visit small businesses affected by the floods. See the photos.

Are you still having problems with the banks and late payers?

The FSB is looking for small businesses that have had issues with access to and the cost of finance, and late payment. Has the bank withdrawn or decreased your overdraft or raised the cost on your loans or overdrafts, or even refused your loan application? Or have you been paid late by either public or private suppliers, or not at all? Email us your experiences.

FSB in France

National Chairman John Wright awarded Clyde Union, a Scottish Company in the pump industry, an award for the best British business that has established itself across the border at the Franco British Business Awards. He also told guests that France has been doing a good job helping small firms with access to finance.

Broadband ‘notspots’

As part of the FSB’s campaign for faster broadband, we are looking for examples of locally led projects which have enabled small businesses to access broadband in ‘notspots,’ Email us to share your experiences.

Pre-pack sale agreements

Pre-pack sale agreements attract criticism because they are made behind closed doors, generally between the administrator and the company’s management, and they result in a quick sale on the appointment of the administrator. To creditors, or those outside the company who might be interested in also taking part in the agreement, this can all look quite dubious and the creditors may feel short changed. Email us your experiences of pre-pack sale agreements, both positive and negative.

Small businesses leading the way

Optomen Television is making a new programme for Channel 5 on how small firms are faring in the recession and will look at ways a business expert on the show can help small businesses with cash flow and business plans. Get in touch if you are interested.

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