Guide Dogs statement following vicious dog attack on guide dog

Guide Dogs has issued the following statement after police released CCTV footage of a blind woman’s guide dog being savaged by a terrier-type dog at a railway station.

Statement from Guide Dogs:

The independence of a visually impaired lady from North West London was put in jeopardy following a vicious attack on her guide dog by a terrier type-dog.

This was a traumatic experience for the guide dog owner. Happily her guide dog has made a full recovery. However, there have been tragic cases in the past when guide dogs have suffered psychologically – impairing their ability to continue safely guiding their owners.

Guide dogs are bred and selected for their gentle characteristics. Their calm temperament is what makes them good guide dogs. Their owners rely on these calm, loyal animals to provide independence; it is therefore an extremely distressing experience if their dog is attacked.

We join the police in appealing for the owner of the aggressive dog to come forward, preventing the animal attacking another dog in the future.

Guide Dogs would also like to make an appeal on to all pet dog owners. If you think there is any chance that your dog will be aggressive towards other dogs, or humans, please keep it on a lead, and muzzled if necessary.

Guidance for journalist:

Dangerous dog Act (DDA) 1991

Section 3 applies to all dogs, making it a criminal offence to allow a dog to be dangerously out of control in a public place.

Guide Dogs, press office:

Tel: 0118 983 8281 or 07768 523996