Get dramatic for Guide Dogs this Christmas

People love a show at Christmas, so Guide Dogs is hoping that readers will ‘get dramatic’ for Guide Dogs, raising funds – and spirits – this festive season!

We’re appealing to local divas, luvvies, am-dram groups and dance troupes to put on the performance of a lifetime, changing the lives of blind and partially-sighted people in the process.

It’s all part of ‘Get together’- a new fundraising initiative from Guide Dogs. If you can’t make it to someone else’s charity show, how about organising your own get together? Putting on a pantomime, talent show, play or musical is a great way to have fun and raise money. If you’re more of a living-room impresario, how about having an X-Factor style karaoke, Strictly dance-off or murder mystery event for a group of friends?

The guide dog service receives no government funding and relies on the generosity of the public to fund its services, so what are you waiting for? – get dramatic!

For more information or to order a fundraising pack, register online at call 0870 600 2323 or email