FSB: Week 46 of 2009

Queen’s speech

The FSB has warned that commitments made in this year’s Queen’s Speech on Wednesday must be followed through rather than being used for political gain. The key issues for small businesses were regulation of the banking sector, internet provision and energy markets. Read the press release and view coverage in the Financial Times.

Trade credit insurance

The FSB expressed concern after Business Secretary Lord Mandelson rebuffed calls to extend the trade credit insurance scheme beyond 31 December, as reported in the Financial Times.

Tax rises

Debate continued this week over methods of cutting the public sector debt. The FSB warned in The Times that small businesses must not bear the brunt of tax rises to fix the deficit.

FSB gives evidence on pubs

The FSB will be giving evidence as part of the Independent Pub Confederation (IPC) on 8 December to the Business, Innovation and Skills select committee on problems between pubs and the Pub Companies that own them. This follows the publication of the committee’s damning report on industry malpractice in May. The FSB was central in the creation of the IPC last month, a group bringing together all bodies and campaign groups representing publicans, consumers and small brewers that are calling for improvements in the pub sector.

Global Entrepreneurship Week

The FSB has been supporting Global Entrepreneurship Week, a series of events celebrating enterprise. Find out more.

FSB on the radio

Listen out on 7 December for the FSB on your local radio station. The FSB will be discussing how poor payment practices can seriously affect a small firm’s cash-flow this Christmas with service provider RBS Invoice Finance which supplies FSB Factors. This will go out on a variety of regional radio stations

Business travel

Do you travel on business? The Guild of Travel Management Companies would like to hear your views on road, rail and air transport. Complete the survey.

Be Card Smart Online

The UK Cards Association is running its second internet safety campaign to remind consumers how they can avoid becoming victims of online card fraud. Find out more.

Online boost for businesses

Thousands of small high street businesses have ensured a brighter outlook for 2010 by establishing a presence online, according to eBay’s third Online Business Index.

Christmas party competition

Dim sum restaurant Ping Pong is giving small businesses a chance to win an all expenses paid office Christmas party. To enter, upload a video message explaining why your business should win to Ping Pong’s YouTube, Twitter or Facebook page. The competition closes on Friday 11 December. The funniest or most creative video will be announced as the winner on Tuesday 15 December.

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