The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) today called for the resignation of the Government’s Enterprise Tsar, Lord Alan Sugar

Following a meeting of the FSB’s National Council this afternoon (Wednesday, 4 November) in central London, the ruling body of the organisation was unanimous in its agreement that Lord Sugar’s position was no longer tenable.

Responding to a series of comments at business meetings around the country, made by Lord Sugar about small businesses, FSB National Chairman John Wright said:

“The Federation of Small Businesses is extremely disappointed by the comments made recently by Lord Sugar about small firms. Despite being appointed by the Government to champion business in the UK, Lord Sugar seems to have no grasp of the hard work small businesses do and the role they play in employing six in 10 of the country’s private sector workforce and contributing to more than half of UK GDP. Lord Sugar appears to have let his TV personality from ‘The Apprentice’ take over and the language he has used to describe this country’s small business owners is hardly appropriate given his current role.

“Members of the FSB have been in touch to complain about Lord Sugar’s recent performances around the country and we have to call that he resign from his position. We urge the Prime Minister to appoint someone with a greater understanding of, and more empathy for, the small business sector.”


Notes to Editors

The FSB is the UK’s leading business organisation with over 215,000 members. It exists to protect and promote the interests of the self-employed, and all those who run their own business. More information is available at


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