Peers debate BBC, humanist broadcasting and ‘Thought for the Day’

The British Humanist Association (BHA) has welcomed a debate in the House of Lords to be held later today on the BBC and Humanism, called by BHA Distinguished Supporter Lord Harrison. Peers will debate to what extent the BBC has paid sufficient regard to the importance of reflecting Humanism in its programmes, particularly in relation to Radio 4’s Thought for the Day.

Peers listed to speak in the debate include Lord (John) Birt, former BBC Director General and Lord (Gus) Macdonald CBE.

Naomi Phillips, BHA Public Affairs Officer, said, ‘This timely debate provides a key opportunity for parliamentarians to raise the important issue of the need for humanist broadcasting, which the BBC is mandated to provide and yet, to date, has failed to. Instead, the BBC continues to give a privileged position to religion.’

‘The BHA works to have non-religious beliefs included in the curriculum in schools, in order that the young people, the majority of whom are non-religious, have their beliefs reflected and discussed. We take a similar approach to public service broadcasting, where we consider it to be right that in a pluralist society we should learn about each other’s beliefs, including humanist ones. We would like the BBC to programmes about Humanism – humanists talking Humanism to humanists – to balance the large amount of religious broadcasting of this nature.’

Ms Phillips continued, ‘In terms of Thought for the Day specifically, by including only religious speakers, the huge body of philosophical, artistic, scientific, ethical, moral and much other thought drawn from the humanist tradition is ignored. The consequence of this is an impoverished Thought for the Day, which benefits neither listeners nor the BBC.’

‘That these issues are being discussed and debated in Parliament demonstrates how significant and relevant they are to many people.’


For further comment or information, contact Naomi Phillips, 020 7079 3585 or 07540 257101.

The debate will be held in the Moses Room, House of Lords, with a scheduled start time of 18.45.

For a full list of speakers, see thegovernment Whips Office.

The BBC Trust is currently reviewing, among other aspects of broadcasting, whether non-religious contributors should be allowed on the Today programme’s Thought for the Day.

Read theBHA’s position paper on Thought for the Day

The British Humanist Association (BHA) is the national charity representing and supporting the non-religious, campaigning for an end to religious privilege and to discrimination based on religion or belief and is the largest organisation in the UK working for a secular society.