British Humanist Association welcomes celebration of freedom and democracy

The British Humanist Association (BHA) is supporting a protest tomorrow led by British Muslims for Secular Democracy to counter a demonstration held by Islam4UK, calling for the abolition of democracy and the introduction of Shariah Law for all in Britain.

The protest is being organised to bring together a number of religious and non-religious groups, including the BHA who will be giving out pink heart shaped and silver balloons to passers-by, to celebrate freedom and democracy and demonstrate an open society where all people are able to express their beliefs.

Pepper Harow, BHA Campaigns Officer, said, “We are looking forward to a really enjoyable day with people coming together from all religious and non-religious backgrounds to celebrate freedom and human rights. We are using pink heart-shaped balloons to symbolise how much we love living in a free and open society.”

She continued, “We totally disagree with those who seek to remove our freedom to enjoy a plural, equal and secular society. We’re very happy to be part of the event tomorrow and have enjoyed this opportunity to work with like-minded groups and individuals.”


For further comment or information, contact Pepper Harow or 020 7462 4992.

Full details of the counter demonstration can be found at

The British Humanist Association (BHA) is the national charity representing and supporting the non-religious and campaigning for an end to religious privilege and discrimination based on religion or belief.