Breast Cancer Care: National mastectomy and breast reconstruction audit 2009.

Statement from Breast Cancer Care
Comment on National Mastectomy and breast reconstruction Audit 2009

Jane Hatfield, Director of Policy and Campaigns at Breast Cancer Care, said:

“There has been some improvement in the number of women offered immediate reconstruction since the first annual audit, however it is unacceptable that the majority are still not given this option.

“Immediate reconstruction can be an important and valued aspect of care for many women with breast cancer. While there are sometimes clinical reasons as to why it is not appropriate in all cases, it should always be presented as one of the options available to eligible patients, in line with NICE guidelines.

“From our own contact with people with breast cancer, we know that the way surgeons explain procedures to patients can have a massive impact on their understanding and uptake of services. More must be done to ensure that women are getting clear, unbiased information around their reconstruction options.

“This report shows wide variation in local practices and it is essential that all women are offered and receive the same choices and level of care, regardless of where they are treated. From the audit’s findings, it is reasonable to conclude that this variation is down to a lack of resources, and so it is vital that there is a further spending commitment to plug this shortfall.”

For further media information, please contact
Ian Manley
0207 960 3450/ 0770 290 1334

Breast Cancer Care

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