Breast Cancer Care: Comment on research from the World Cancer Research Fund into the link between lifestyle factors and breast cancer risk

Antonia Dean, Clinical Nurse Specialist at Breast Cancer Care, said:

“We know from the volume of calls that we receive to our helpline that women are keen to understand the contribution their lifestyle can make to their own risk of developing breast cancer.

“Breast cancer is a very complex disease, and it’s hard to isolate specific lifestyle choices that may lead to an increased risk. Gender, increasing age and a significant family history are the three main risk factors, but clearly these are beyond our control.

“However, it is well established that eating a healthy and varied diet, moderate alcohol consumption, keeping within a healthy weight range and regular exercise can offer a range of health benefits, including a slight reduction of breast cancer risk.

“Additionally women of any age must be breast aware throughout their life, by being familiar with how their breasts normally look and feel so that any changes unusual for them can be picked up quickly and reported to their doctor without delay.”


For further media information, please contact
Ian Manley
0207 960 3450/ 0770 290 1334

Breast Cancer Care is here for anyone affected by breast cancer. We bring people together, provide information and support, and campaign for improved standards of care. We use our understanding of people’s experience of breast cancer and our clinical expertise in everything we do. Visit or call our free helpline on 0808 800 6000.