IFAW: TV chef and well-known racing trainer in court on hare coursing charges

A private prosecution against TV chef Clarissa Dickson-Wright and race horse trainer Sir Mark Prescott on hare coursing charges is due to be heard at Scarborough Magistrates Court at 10am on Tuesday (September 1).

Both are charged, under Section 5 of the Hunting Act 2004, with attending hare coursing events on March 2 and 3, 2007.

Hare coursing, in which hares are pursued by greyhounds, is banned under the 2004 Hunting Act.

The case being heard on Tuesday is brought by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW).

IFAW spokespeople will be at court and available for interview immediately after the conclusion of the case.

For press queries on Tuesday please contact Tania McCrea-Steele on 07801 613520 or Josey Sharrad on 07717 692099 in Scarborough. Alternatively contact Clare Sterling in London on 020 7587 6708, mobile 07917 507717.

Broadcast-quality footage and still images will be made available to media after the case is concluded.
