British Humanist Association appalled by judgement in registrar’s employment tribunal

The British Humanist Association (BHA) has expressed disappointment at the judgement handed down by an employment tribunal regarding a Christian Registrar who is refusing to perform Civil Partnerships on the grounds of her religion.

The case was brought against the London Borough of Islington by Miss Lillian Ladele who argued that asking her to perform same-sex Civil Partnerships amounted to religious discrimination against her.

The Judgment upheld her claim and found that she had been discriminated against directly. It also ruled that the requirement of the Civil Partnership Act for all Registrars to carry out same-sex partnerships amounted to indirect discrimination against those with religious objections.

Pepper Harow, BHA Local Campaigns Officer stated, “This judgement suggests that people can refuse to carry out a public service that is protected by law, simply because they do not personally agree with it. It puts the homophobic beliefs of religious individuals above the rights of lesbian and gay people to equal treatment and dignity.”


For further comment or information, please contact Pepper Harow, BHA Local Campaigns Officer, on 020 7462 4992

The British Humanist Association (BHA) is the national charity representing and supporting the non-religious and campaigns for an end to religious privilege and to discrimination based on religion or belief. It is the largest organisation in the UK working for a secular society.