BHA objects to more religious discrimination in school staffing

The British Humanist Association (BHA) has today sent objections to the Department of Children, Schools and Families, opposing plans to extend the scope for discrimination in state-funded religious schools. The proposals, which are due to be implemented in September, will make it possible for voluntary controlled schools to reserve headteacher posts for religious teachers and voluntary aided schools to require some non-teaching staff to follow a religion.

Andrew Copson, the BHA Director of Education and Public Affairs, said:

“These proposals will allow even more schools to discriminate against teachers and non-teaching staff on the basis of their beliefs. Not only will this harm the career prospects of those who are non-religious or happen to follow the “wrong” religion, it will also be worse for schools and students. Statistics show that faith schools find it significantly more difficult to appoint senior staff. It seems that the only group who will benefit from these changes are religious teachers who might otherwise find it difficult to get a job.”

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