British Humanist Association calls for a secular approach to welfare reform

The British Humanist Association (BHA) has responded to the Government’s proposals for wide-ranging and extensive welfare reform, contracting out the welfare system to private and voluntary sector organisations, which is likely to include religious organisations.

Naomi Phillips, BHA Public Affairs Officer, said, ‘Over the last couple of years there has been a drive by the Government to increase greatly the number of religious organisations in the supply of welfare. Unlike other ‘third sector’ organisations, religious organisations have exemptions from equality legislation allowing them to discriminate on grounds of sexual orientation and against those of the ‘wrong’ or no religion, even when working under contract to provide a public service. Moreover, unlike public bodies, contracted organisations are not bound by the Human Rights Act.’

Ms Phillips continued, ‘All public services, funded by the tax payer, should be open and accessible to all, and be provided on a non-discriminatory basis. Increasing the number and influence of religious service providers in particular will jeopardise these principles, and the Government must take these issues seriously, before it hands over large parts of our welfare system to unrepresentative religious groups.’

‘Our recent report, ‘Quality and Equality’, on the contracting out of public services to religious organisations, calls for secular and inclusive services and recommends a more transparent tendering process for religious organisations contracted into public service supply and delivery. Government failure to close discrimination law loopholes which permit religious groups to discriminate seriously jeopardises the future of inclusive public services.’


For further comment or information, please contact Naomi Phillips, BHA Public Affairs Officer, on, on 020 7079 3585 or 07779 703 242

Read the BHA’s report on the contracting out of public services to religious organisations, ‘Quality and Equality: Human Rights, Public Services and Religious Organisations’ at

The British Humanist Association (BHA) is the national charity representing and supporting the non-religious and campaigns for an end to religious privilege and to discrimination based on religion or belief. It is the largest organisation in the UK working for a secular society.

Naomi Phillips
Public Affairs Officer
British Humanist Association
1 Gower Street, London, WC1E 6HD
020 7079 3585