Cogent: Philip Jones appointed CEO of National Skills Academy Process Industries

Philip Jones has been appointed as permanent CEO of NSAPI, the National Skills Academy Process Industries.

The appointment was announced after a comprehensive selection process involving process industry employers and Cogent Sector Skills Council.

Philip has spent much of his career at BASF in senior HR roles and as Business Manager for BASF’s Biocides business, and is currently leading the High Growth Programme for East Midlands Development Agency. Philip will commence as CEO from 12th May, when interim CEO Craig Crowther hands over leadership of NSAPI.

I would like to thank Craig for his tremendous contribution to the establishment and launch of NSAPI. He has been at the forefront of the drive to galvanise employers to collaborate on and contribute to a National Skills Academy for the process industry. Craig’s enthusiasm and passion has helped build a 21st century delivery mechanism for the skills solutions the process industry wants.

Joanna Woolf

Chief Executive. Cogent Sector Skills Council.


Notes to editors

1. The National Skills Academy network will be the new gold standard for industry training, aiming to improve productivity and tackle skills shortages. Each National Skills Academy puts employers at the heart of skills training for their sector: they influence the curriculum to ensure it reflects employers’ needs; get involved in the Academy’s management; set standards and influence strategic direction.

National Skills Academies aim to:

deliver high quality training for a specific sector
provide first-class teaching in a modern learning environment
be centres of innovation and creativity in skills development for their sector
be flexible, sustaining the closest possible relationships with employers of all sizes
build specialist networks with a range of other learning providers, so that new thinking, new methods and higher standards are shared, to the benefit of learners and employers.

The National Skills Academy network was initiated by the Government to address the need for a world class workforce with better skills than ever before. It is managed by the Learning and Skills Council working in partnership with the DIUS, the Sector Skills Development Agency and the Department of Trade and Industry.

For more information see:

2. Cogent is the Sector Skills Council (SSC) for the Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Oil and Gas, Nuclear, Petroleum and Polymer Industries. It is one of 25 SSCs which, together with the Sector Skills Development Agency (SSDA), form the Skills for Business Network (SfBN).

It is licensed by the Government to provide employers in its sector with the opportunity for coherent leadership and strategic action to meet their skills needs. Key national objectives are to:

Reduce the sector’s skills gaps and shortages and anticipate future needs.
improve productivity through specific strategic actions, based on analysis of sectoral skills priorities.
Increase opportunities to develop the productivity of the sector’s workforce.
Improve learning supply, including the development of apprenticeships, higher education provision and of national occupational standards.

The development of the NSA concept

The NSA policy initiative was first announced in the 2005 Skills White Paper which included a commitment to establish a network of Academies covering each major sector of the economy. The White Paper referred to the need to build on existing models, and it also gave a commitment that employers were going to be given the lead role in developing Academies. The White Paper said that beyond some general principles the Government ‘will not prescribe what an Academy should be’ and ‘it will be for the employers in each sector to take the initiative in working out the approach that will best meet their needs’.

For more information: Cogent SSC: Judith Cowan, 01925 515 215/ 07818 408 554; Kate Hutchins 01925 515 220
National Skills Academy for the Process Industries: Kari Owers, O Communications
0191 232 5690
