BHA: Faith schools breaking admissions laws

The British Humanist Association (BHA) has responded to reports today that many state schools are operating illegal admissions arrangements. Most of the schools breaking the rules are reported to be ‘faith’ schools and it is thought that abuse of the system could be widespread across the country.

Andrew Copson, Director of Education and Public Affairs at the BHA, commented. “The BHA has been arguing for years that many faith schools use social selection to pick the brightest and most affluent pupils, but even we were shocked by the flagrant illegality of these schools’ behaviour. It shows in the starkest terms how faith schools rely on selection, not ethos, to maintain their results. What is most concerning is that these abuses came to light after the Department for Children, Schools and Families looked in detail at procedures in just three Local Education Authorities. That means that there are still 147 more LEAs where this could still be going on. What further evidence does the government need to convince them that reform of state funded faith schools is now essential?”

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Editors Notes

The BHA has made submissions to the Children, Schools and Families Committee, which is hearing evidence on the impact of faith schools at 9:30am tomorrow (12 March). The hearing will be held in the Wilson Room at Portcullis House.

Alex Kennedy
Campaigns Officer (Faith Schools)
British Humanist Association
020 7079 3580

1 Gower Street