Cogent CEO celebrates “shared goal” success: new National Skills Academy Process Industries

The key objectives of the UK’s fifth National Skills Academy – the National Skills Academy for Process Industries – will be announced at the official launch in London today (24th January), as part of the Government’s drive to upskill the UK’s workforce.

The Academy is a wholly owned subsidiary of Cogent which is the Sector Skills Council for the chemicals, pharmaceuticals, nuclear, oil and gas, petroleum and polymer industries. Cogent CEO Joanna Woolf, said: “Everyone who has been involved in getting the National Skills Academy Process Industries off the ground over the past two years should be congratulated on a truly visionary achievement.

“The project team, under the stewardship of newly appointed Chief Executive Craig Crowther and the leading employers who have supported and steered this important development, have turned our shared goal into a reality.

“This employer commitment – both financial and through time and expertise – to investing in the skills of the workforce demonstrates just how important this initiative is to the process industries. In return The Academy puts employers right at the heart of the skills agenda, ensuring that it is demand-led.”

Cogent sees the Skills Academy as being a crucial initiative that will offer a long-term solution to skills shortages and gaps, and support the strategic and highly regulated industries in the process industries in remaining competitive and sustainable.

Skills Minister David Lammy said: “I am delighted that Process Industry employers have seized upon the National Skills Academy initiative. This demonstrates a clear commitment on their part to ensuring that skills continue to drive the growth of this important sector”.

Joanna Woolf added: “As an independent, employer-led body, Cogents’s key role is to provide leadership in the development of education, training and skills for the chemicals, pharmaceuticals and polymer industries. Employers have told us this is a real business issue for them and we are making sure they get what they need from the system.

“I would like to thank the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills and in particular the Minister for Skills David Lammy for his personal commitment in supporting our efforts to ensure a Skills Academy for these critical industries.”

“This also holds true for the National Skills Academy for Nuclear, also led by Cogent, which will see its official launch next week at the National Science Museum.”

The Sector’s Skills Needs

The process industries employ over 420,000 people in the UK and contribute £23bn added value to the economy, and in common with other areas of industry, the sector faces serious skills challenges.

They form an essential component of the manufacturing supply chain and are at the forefront of technological innovation. These industries supply everything from life-saving drugs and additives that make everyday products strong and fire-proof to polymer composite materials used in the manufacture of vehicles, aircraft and boats.

Cogent research shows this science-using manufacturing sector needs thousands of suitably qualified science graduates and multi-skilled technicians if it is to succeed and compete in the global economy. The sector faces pressing gaps and skills shortages, and compounding the situation, an ageing workforce means that many of those who have years of experience are retiring taking their skills and expertise with them.

To date employers representing 12% of the sector (and a total of 50,000 employees), have committed to using Academy products and services through Academy approved centres to address the skills development of their workforce. These numbers will increase as the Academy is rolled out around the regions.

It is anticipated that at least 16,000 learners will undertake training and development via the Academy over the next five years.

Through a network of Regional Training “spokes”, the Academy which will act as a central “hub” will identify, develop and accredit local high quality training provision, creating “centres of excellence” for the delivery of training. These centres will respond to specific skills gaps as identified by employers – who can shape also the curriculum.

Gold Standard

Cogent is developing “Gold Standard” job roles which will become central to the work of the National Skills Academy for Process Industries in raising the standards bar for skills.

These aspirational Gold Standard roles are underpinned by world-class training and qualifications in areas such as innovation, health and safety, environment and quality will be delivered through the Academy and its accredited providers all around the country who will offer the all important stamp of quality.

Employers supporting the National Skills Academy include SembCorp Utilities UK, Invista Performance Technologies, Johnson Matthey, Innospec Specialty Chemicals, Banner Chemicals Ltd, Solutia UK Limited, Black Cat Fireworks Ltd and LINPAC Group.

The Skills Academy Shadow Board has representatives from multinationals including BASF PLC, SABIC UK Petrochemicals, Degussa, LINPAC Group, INEOS Olefins and GSK and SMEs Reaxa and Contract Chemicals spearheading the development of the Academy.

Key regional cluster organisations, including North East Process Industry Cluster (NEPIC), Chemicals Northwest, Yorkshire Chemical Focus and Humber Chemical Focus have been instrumental to the success of the National Skills Academy Process Industries. They have been key partners from the outset, ensuring that the Academy is set to meet the unique skills needs in the regions, as well as co-ordinating support, resources and employer commitment.

Notes to Editors

Cogent is the Sector Skills Council for the chemicals and pharmaceuticals, nuclear, oil and gas, petroleum and polymer industries. It is the voice of employers in these sectors and is working with them to create a skills environment that businesses need to be innovative, competent, productive and sustainable. Cogent currently represents the interests of more than 19,000 businesses employing around 955,000 people.

Cogent develops and maintains national occupational standards, provides skills solutions and workforce development plans and advises on the skills and qualifications necessary for businesses to perform safely, effectively and profitably

The sectors represented by Cogent share similar cultures which derive from hazardous technologies, the highly regulated nature of parts of their industries and common skills issues which include the need for highly skilled managers, researchers, engineers and technicians as well as process operators.

Cogent now has three National Skills Academies in its footprint:

National Skills Academy Process Industries
National Skills Academy Nuclear
Oil and Gas Skills Academy

Cogent is happy to supply editorial contributions on skills and education in its footprint.

For further information contact:

Judith Cowan on 01925 515 215

Or Mervin Dadd on 01925 515 212