Breast Cancer Care: Comment on research in to the patterns of breast cancer in black British women

Contact: Ian Manley

0207 960 3450/0770 290 1334

Comment on research in to the patterns of breast cancer in black British women.

Dr Emma Pennery, Nurse Consultant at Breast Cancer Care, said:

“This study is very interesting, and it’s clearly worrying to see that black patients are being diagnosed at a much earlier age than white patients.

“The potential for younger age of onset and more aggressive breast cancers in this group of women makes breast awareness even more important to help ensure they are diagnosed as soon as possible.

“Breast Cancer Care’s own research[1] showed that an alarming sixty per cent of African-Caribbean women never practised breast awareness, and sixty-eight per cent believed that a lump is the only symptom of breast cancer, compared to 11 and 22 per cent (respectively) of the general population.

“It is vital that all women are breast aware, but particularly those groups that may be at an increased risk and, as our research has shown, are not always aware of their risks or which signs and symptoms to report.”


Anyone with breast cancer or breast health concerns can get free, confidential support and information from the Breast Cancer Care helpline on 0808 800 6000 or by visiting

For further media information, please contact

Ian Manley

0207 960 3450/0770 290 1334

[1] – In 2005, Breast Cancer Care commissioned two independent surveys to examine levels of breast awareness among women from black and minority ethnic groups, older age groups and socially disadvantaged backgrounds compared to the general population.

For full details of the survey, go to:

Breast Cancer Care has produced a ten-minute audio play which explores attitudes to breast cancer within African-Caribbean communities. The play, and a booklet exploring the issues raised, can be downloaded from

Breast Cancer Care has been working for over 30 years to make a difference in the lives of people affected by breast cancer. We provide accurate, easy to understand information as well as practical and emotional support. We are the only charity working across the UK to provide these services. Every year we reach over one million people through our website, helpline, publications, person to person support and health promoting activities, all of which are offered free. We are committed to campaigning for better treatment and support for people with breast cancer and their families.

Ian Manley
National and regional press and PR officer

Breast Cancer Care

Tel: 0207 960 3450

