Ukip revolutionary ready for ‘blood-letting’
By staff
A Ukip politician who has been forced to quit the party declared Britain has the "right to rise" against the three main parties, it has emerged.
John Upex, who was the party's parliamentary candidate for Harrogate and Knaresborough, was exposed for backing a British exit from the EU "by force if necessary", according to letters he wrote to Conservative MP Andrew Jones.
Jones, revealing the correspondence, said Upex had suggested "there are a lot of people who would be candidates for my supply of piano wire" in the event of a "blood-letting" in Britain.

Clarifying his views to the Independent newspaper, Upex explained: "Before Ukip we had three parties that had no difference. We are in exactly the same situation as the Eastern Bloc countries before the Berlin Wall came down.
"You could either choose as communist or a communist. If that's the case you can’t deny the population the right to rise.
"As a country, we have endorsed, intervened, aided and armed people in the same situation."
Ukip is in the process of shedding a number of candidates with unacceptable views, as the party moves to become more acceptable ahead of this year's European elections.
But Upex has always been an independent-minded politician. He states on his website: "It is very likely that you will not agree with a lot of what I write; it is the strength of a free nation that we can hold opposing views, and personally I believe that someone who surrounds themselves with people who agree with them is a fool and is headed for disaster."
Harrogate and Knaresborough's Ukip branch stated: "We have accepted the resignation of its chairman, John Upex, following a difference of opinion of views and policies."