Anti-porn Tory MP’s website flooded with porn
By staff
Conservative MP Claire Perry's website has been hacked by internet pranksters who have flooded her site with indecent images.
A publicly available database page showing all the images used on the site reveals hundreds of explicit adult pictures of the type which Perry has campaigned so vocally against.
The page shows a bizarre mix of images of the MP engaging with constituents, pornography and a 'goatse' meme stating 'welcome to the internet' over a picture of a shocked boy.

Perry has been a passionate campaigner for stronger action against the internet and her efforts helped contribute to David Cameron's announcement yesterday that internet service providers are to be asked to impose an opt-in option for adult material online.
"This package of measures represents a comprehensive and pragmatic approach to tackling the key issues which threaten the safety of our children online," Perry said yesterday.
"Unfortunately, there is no magic bullet to ensure our children are protected, but I think the measures announced by the prime minister will give parents confidence that they have easy-to-use tools at their disposal to ensure that their children are not exposed to harmful material, and that industry and other related agencies are doing their bit too."
This is not the first time an MP's website has been hacked. Last December Conservative MP David Morris' website had to be taken down after an attack from a group calling themselves 'Freedom for the Mujahideen'.
Perry's site has not yet been taken down – but the image page containing the indecent material is now unavailable publicly.