Poll puts Boris eight points ahead as Greens overtake Lib Dems
By Oliver Hotham
Boris Johnson will be re-elected mayor of London on the 3rd of May, according to the latest ComRess poll.
The results show the incumbent mayor at 54%, giving him an eight point lead over his main challenger, Labour candidate Ken Livingstone.
The poll also indicated that Green party candidate Jenny Jones has overtaken Liberal Democrat Brian Paddick for third place, with six per cent of voters saying they would vote for Jones as their first preference.

Ms Jones said that polling should be viewed with scepticism due to its volatility, but that she was "pleased that this election gives the Green party an opportunity to provide an alternative vision to the Punch and Judy politics that have dominated the race".
"We're showing ourselves to be the only party willing to stand up for the people of London, their health and their homes, the principles of equality and fairness and helping to ensure London leads the way on the environment and the economy," she continued.
The news indicates that the Conservative candidate has not been affected by his party colleagues in government – who face their lowest levels of support since they took office.
It is also in stark contrast to a poll released on Monday which showed the leading candidates neck and neck.