Energy companies attacked as hypothermia deaths soar
By staff
There were calls for energy bills to be slashed last night as evidence emerged of a dramatic rise in deaths from hypothermia.
The increased death toll coincides with a surge in energy prices, prompting extraordinary anger among campaigners.
A total of 260 people died from the condition in 2010/11, up from 135 in 2006/07.

The figures could not come at a worse time for the 'big six' energy companies, whichpublish profit numbers later this month.
Three-quarters of the victims were elderly people. Hospital admissions for the over-60ssuffering hypothermia rose 120% in the same period, hitting 1,396 last year compared to 633 five years ago.
The rise in hospital admissions comes amid a 40% rise in energy bills over the same time period.
At least three million pensioners are now estimated to live in fuel poverty.
Infographic provided by Castle Cover