Public lash out at ‘Big Brother Britain’
By staff
Four out of five people believe British freedoms are being eroded by the government, according to a new poll released today.
In response to the statement ‘our freedoms are being eroded by a Big Brother state’, 45 per cent of respondents answered ‘strongly agree’ while 34 per cent said they ‘somewhat agree’.
The survey, conducted for Big Brother Watch by Politics Home, found 86 per cent of people think the government can’t be trusted to keep citizens’ personal information safe.

Just 16 per cent supported the use of CCTV cameras capable of recording conversations – such as those trailed in Glasgow earlier this year.
Eighty-two per cent of respondents disagreed that placing microchips in refuse bins to monitor the waste thrown away by households was an acceptable measure to encourage recycling – despite 42 local authorities currently monitoring the habits of over two million households
“We are the victims of ever more intrusive policies, pushing more and more into the details of our lives,” said Alex Deane, director of Big Brother Watch.
“The government doesn’t seem to care that Big Brother Britain has been rejected by the vast majority of people who live here.
“They continue to pursue expensive and invasive surveillance methods that serve only to create criminals out of otherwise law-abiding citizens.”
Big Brother Watch is a new campaign group from the founders of the TaxPayers’ Alliance.