‘Bring GM to Britain’
By politics.co.uk staff
British farmers need to start cultivating genetically modified crops as soon as possible to prevent a food crisis, the Royal Society has warned.
It argues in a major report the UK must quickly get over its paranoia about so-called ‘Frankenstein foods’ and accept that traditional techniques must share a place with the latest scientific advancement.
“We need to take action now to stave off food shortages. If we wait even five to ten years, it may be too late,” said Sir David Baulcombe, professor of botany at the University of Cambridge, who chaired the study.

The national academy of science called for £2 billion investment in the next ten years.
This would allow the UK to produce more food for export and lead the world in developing crops of the future, such as plants which can ‘self-fertilise’ or photosynthesis more quickly.