Boris deputy mayor charged with fraud over expenses
By Ian Dunt
Boris Johnson’s former deputy mayor, Ian Clement, has been charged under the Fraud Act following his resignation from office earlier in the summer.
Mr Clement, 44, resigned after a string of allegations about his use of his corporate credit card.
He has been charged with five offences under section one and two of the act in connection with alleged misuse of expenses.

He will be appearing at City of Westminster magistrates court on September 8th.
Mr Clement’s lawyer, Jeremy Summers of Russell Jones & Walker, said: “Mr Clement is surprised and saddened that the CPS [Crown Prosecution Service] should have felt that prosecution was appropriate.
“He has co-operated fully with the investigation which relates to five meal expense claims which have a total value of £227.00.
“In the context of other, and far more significant, investigations it is a matter of regret that political expediency appears to be present.”
Given that proceedings have been brought it is inappropriate to comment further at this time.”
Mr Johnson has lost several high profile figures from his team after a string of controversies.
First transport minister Tim Parker left after discovering he would not be made chairman of Transport for London.
He was preceded by Ray Lewis, another deputy mayor, following allegations about his past and James McGrath, senior political strategist, for comments about immigrants of Caribbean origin