Sinn Fein make expenses concessions
By Liz Stephens
Sinn Fein ministers will not be renewing leases on the two London flats they rent but will use hotels on future constituency business in London.
The Sunday Telegraph alleged in May that the party were claiming inflated costs for the accommodation – including £3,600 a month for a flat rented by Gerry Adams and Martin McGuiness which was valued at just £1,400.
The party said the rental fees also covered charges for parking, housekeeping and utilities.

Sinn Fein MP Conor Murphy said the party had “a proven track record of transparency and honesty when it came to their accounts and expenses”.
“We have recently reviewed the issue of accommodation for Sinn Fein MPs in London in the context of best value for public money, security and the reduction in MPs accommodation allowance as of May this year,” he said.
“Accordingly we are informing people of a change in our approach to MPs accommodation.”
Traditional Unionist Voice leader Jim Allister said: “When an MP spends only a few hundred pounds travelling to London in a year but claims many thousands under the ‘London living allowance’, it suggests that something odd is afoot.
“Conor Murphy’s revelation today that his party will not be renewing its leases on the two flats would suggest that even Sinn Fein now recognise that the claims were an abuse of taxpayer’s money”.
Sinn Fein’s five MPs do not take their Westminster seats so are not entitled to salaries, but they do get expenses.