Tories take Norwich North
By Alex Stevenson and Ian Dunt
Chloe Smith has won the Norwich North by-election for the Conservatives, becoming the youngest MP in parliament.
The Conservative candidate took 13,591 votes compared to Chris Ostrowski’s 6,243, in a swing of 16.9 per cent from Labour to Tory.
Ms Smith’s 7,348 majority replaces the 5,459 majority held by Labour’s Ian Gibson, whose resignation triggered the poll.

In her victory speech she said the result would send a message to Downing Street and pledged to serve her constituents well. Gordon Brown was quoted as acknowledging the vote was “clearly a disappointing result”.
“I know that in making me your member of parliament today you have invested great responsibility in me but it is a responsibility I take with pride and humility,” Ms Smith said.
“It will be an honour to serve you and I will not let you down.”
April Pond for the Liberal Democrats finished in third place as expected but the biggest surprise was fourth place, going to Glenn Tingle for Ukip over the Green party’s Rupert Read.
Turnout was about 45 per cent, around average for recent by-elections.
Ms Smith’s victory will be attributed in large part to anger at the way the Labour party treated Dr Gibson.
Its ‘star chamber’ barred him from standing at the next election because of his expenses claims. Anger at that decision has resulted in the party losing the seat after Dr Gibson chose to resign immediately rather than serve out his time in parliament.
Commenting on the controversy over Dr Gibson, and the difficulty Labour has getting its vote out after being in power for over a decade, former defence secretary Geoff Hoon told a Question Time audience: “This by-election has been a perfect storm for a governing party.”
The final result in the Norwich North by-election is:
1 – Chloe Smith, Conservative – 13,591
2 – Chris Ostrowski, Labour – 6,243
3 – April Pond, Liberal Democrat – 4,803
4 – Glenn Tingle, Ukip – 4,068
5 – Rupert Read, Greens – 3,350
6 – Craig Murray, Put an Honest Man Into Parliament – 953
7 – Robert West, BNP – 941
8 – Alan Hope, Monster Raving Looney party – 144
9 – Bill Holden, Independent – 166
10 – Anne Fryatt, None of the Above – 59
11 – Thomas Burridge, Libertarian party – 36
12 – Peter Baggs, Independent – 23