BNP claims victory in Euro elections
By Ian Dunt
The British National party (BNP) has won its first MEPs in the European elections, with party leader Nick Griffin winning a seat in the European parliament.
BNP candidate Andrew Brons also won in Yorkshire and Humber.
Mr Brons won his seat at the expenses of Labour, as did Mr Griffin.

“Despite the lies, we’ve managed to win through,” he said.
Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain said: “This is a sad day for British politics.
“The news of the election of far-right MEPs comes at a time when we mark the 65th anniversary of D-Day, celebrating the heroism of those who fought the same hatred and fascism and racism we are witnessing today.”
Mr Brons is a former leader of the National Front.
The party took 10 per cent of the vote in Yorkshire and Humber, up two per cent.
Despite its share of the vote increasing, the party actually received less votes than last time in both regions. The victories were not so much connected to BNP success as they were to a poor showing for other parties.