Home secretary will fight shock jock defamation case
By Ian Dunt
Jacqui Smith will fight a defamation case against her by right wing US ‘shock jock Michael Savage, after she banned him from entering the country.
Mr Savage, real name Michael Weiner, was on a list of those barred from entering the UK out of concern he may foster hatred.
“I am living in fear and have had to employ security guards after being outrageously named on this list of terrorists and killers,” he said.

“I have no idea what criminal acts they refer to in their press release. They have refused to explain, despite our requests.”
Also featured on the list of barred individuals are Ku Klux Kaln representative Stephen Donald Black and Hamas MP Yunis Al-Astal.
“As the home secretary has already said, he was excluded for engaging in unacceptable behaviour by making comments that might provoke others to serious criminal acts and foster hatred that might lead to inter-community violence,” a Home Office spokesman said.
“Coming to the UK is a privilege that we refuse to extend to those who abuse our standards and values to undermine our way of life.”
Mr Weiner’s lawyers have written to Ms Smith demanding a retraction, substantial damages and a personal apology.
Mr Weiner’s radio talk show, Savage Nation, is the third most popular of its kind in the US.