Don’t vote for me, urges BNP candidate
By staff
A British National party (BNP) county council candidate is asking people not to vote for her over fears she may be branded as a racist.
According to a report yesterday in the Worcester News Corinne Tovey-Jones, standing in the Nunnery division in Worcestershire, said she wanted to withdraw from the election but was told it was too late to remove her name from ballot papers.
She alleged the BNP rewrote some of her candidate statement to include comments about the “anti-social behaviour” of “an unruly minority” which she never made.

“I read nothing I said,” Mrs Tovey-Jones told the Worcester News.
“I come from a Christian family, with church values. I’ve had a couple of comments off my father. His friends had seen it. A lot of people link them with the National Front – though they’re not.”
She was adamant that she did not have a racist bone in her body and had decided to pull out of the race after comments from friends and family.
She said: “I don’t want people thinking I’m racist when I’m not. My sister’s married to an Italian – how could I be?”
However, because ballot papers had already been printed and postal ballots already distributed it is now impossible to remove her name from election material.
A spokesperson for the BNP said: “We will speak to Corinne to find out what her position is before we give any statement.”