Charity calls for urgent action on care
By staff
The government is facing a “care crisis” unless it conducts a radical reform of the care system to support the growing number of older people needing care, a charity warned today.
Counsel and Care said urgent action is needed in the government’s forthcoming green paper on care as care homes face closure with fewer people getting the care they need in their homes.
With the government required to make spending cuts to tackle its enormous Budget deficit the charity said it was time for a “bold and ambitious” rethink to create a care system fit for the future.

Speaking at the ‘New challenges for care homes’ conference later today chief executive Stephen Burke will say older people are facing the toughest of times as the care gap continues to grow and they can’t get the support they need.
“Now is not the time to grow old in Britain,” Mr Burke will say.
“The country needs bold leadership in creating a care system that is simpler, fairer, transparent, consistent and flexible. Older people and their families want nothing less.
He will highlight the need for urgent action to address the immediate crisis as older people and their families struggle with the costs of care homes.
Many older people need help now, he will say, to prevent them having to sell their homes simply to cover the cost of necessary care.
Mr Burke will add: “Hundreds of thousands of other older people are living lonely lives without the practical support and care they need at home.
“Of course we must make much better use of public spending on care, health and housing, and we must help people to make better use of their own resources.
“But the real challenge for government is what priority and what value does it place on old age in 21st century Britain.”
The government was contacted for a response.