London G20: Bloggers take ‘rightful place’
By staff
Bloggers are claiming their rightful place on the world stage today at the G20 summit in London.
The G20 Voice initiative has secured accreditation at the ExCel Centre for 50 bloggers from 22 countries around the world.
Together they have a global audience of over 14 million readers, justifying their presence alongside more established media outlets.

One of the organisers, Alison Woodhead of Oxfam, told the participants were committed to campaigning for change.
“These are not people who are just blogging for fun – they’re blogging because they think it’s part of how you changed the world.”
Listen to Alison Woodhead explain why having bloggers at the G20 is so important:
And here’s Saudi Arabian blogger Ahmed Al-Omran and US blogger Michael Kleinman explaining why they deserve to be at the G20 summit: