Brown ‘must be a friend to the poor’
By staff
Gordon Brown must use next months G20 meeting in London to ally himself to developing countries rather than rich ones, according to an influential magazine.
The lead editorial in this week’s Lancet expresses admiration for the way Mr Brown has repeatedly called for a strengthening of ambitions to alleviate global poverty despite the recession.
“But can Gordon Brown effectively lead other G20 leaders to embrace a development agenda at the London summit?” the editorial asks.

“For 30 years, developing countries have suffered far more from the failings of the international financial system than any hardship that industrialised countries are experiencing now.
“Poor countries should not be left out in the cold, yet again, while powerful nations make decisions that will determine the future of the world economy. Gordon Brown could be the ally of low-income countries.”
The magazine calls for countries like Britain, China and the US, who support increased International Monetary Fund (IMF) voting rights of emerging markets and developing countries to go to the summit with detailed plans for how such a system might work.
It also says anti-protectionist states should go it alone if they cannot secure agreement at the summit.
“If Gordon Brown is really serious about alleviating global poverty and reducing health and social in-equalities, he must not let the London summit look inwards and ignore the plight of poorer countries,” it concludes.
“Never has there been such a need for strong and just leadership. Prime minister Gordon Brown, we hope that you will respond to this challenge.”