More UK torture claims
By staff
A former British terrorism suspect has claimed he was tortured on behalf of MI5 in Egypt.
Azhar Khan, 26, has acquired legal representation to take action against the British government, alleging he was stripped naked and shackled during five days of interrogation.
He claimed he was beaten with sticks and subjected to electric shocks last July after flying into the country.

Mr Khan alleged he was also asked questions about people he knew back in the UK.
His accusations come on top of those made by former Guantanamo Bay detainee Binyam Mohammed who claims he was tortured in Pakistan and Morocco on behalf of the British secret service.
Reprieve investigator Clara Gutteridge said: “After similar cases in Pakistan and Guantanamo Bay, Azhar Khan’s story indicates that the virus of British involvement in torture also spread to Egypt.
“Sad to say we have further evidence of UK involvement with abusive regimes around the world including Kenya, Ethiopia, Afghanistan and Iraq.
“Enough is enough. The British government must come clean and reveal exactly what happened to the victims, where they are now, and what is being done to make things right.”
Mr Khan’s claims are reported to have received the support of the high court and are being investigated by the attorney general Baroness Scotland.
The Foreign Office confirmed Mr Khan was detained in Egypt for a week last year “on suspicion of extremist activities”, and the Guardian newspaper suggested his claims of mistreatment are supported by medical evidence.
A spokesman for the Foreign Office is quoted as saying: “Our consular staff spoke to the individual concerned. When they asked about his treatment in custody, he did not share with them any specific allegations of mistreatment.
“At no time since the release from Egyptian custody has the UK been asked to take up any allegations of mistreatment.”
The new development comes after Conservative leader David Cameron called for a full inquiry into British intelligence agencies’ involvement in torture.