MoJ allows Goody her wedding night
By staff
The Ministry of Justice has relaxed the conditions on the Jack Tweed’s bail so he can spend the night of his wedding with Jade Goody.
Tweed is currently on curfew having been released early from an 18-month prison sentence imposed for an assault charge.
But with Ms Goody – who has terminal cancer – and Tweed set to marry this weekend, the Ministry of Justice has varied Tweed’s bail conditions on compassionate grounds.

Justice secretary Jack Straw said: “It is crucial that offenders are treated equally within the rules regardless of the publicity surrounding their case but I was satisfied that it was reasonable to allow this.”
A spokesman added: “Jack has enormous sympathy for Jade Goody and her family at this time. She is showing extraordinary courage and his thoughts are with her and her family.
“The National Offender Management Service chief operating officer, in discussion with the governor of the prison, has determined that this is an exceptional case and Mr Tweed will be allowed to remain at the reception and that address until 3pm the day after the wedding.”
Even the prime minister took time out of his birthday to comment on the situation.
“I think everybody is sad at the tragedy that’s befallen Jade Goody,” he said from his Fife constituency.
“Everyone who suffers cancer has the thoughts of me and I think the whole country over what they’ve got to go through.”
In a statement issued through Goody’s publicist, Max Clifford, the couple said: “We are absolutely thrilled. It will be the dream finish to her dream day, and it makes so much difference. Our heartfelt thanks from Jade and from Jack for allowing him to stay the evening in these very special circumstances.”
Goody was recently told she has only months to live after cervical cancer spread to her bowel, liver and groin.