Brown reveals the road to G20
By staff
Gordon Brown has unveiled a booklet demonstrating the challenges facing the world ahead of the G20 summit in London in April.
Speaking at his monthly press conference, Mr Brown said: “We’ve got to show people the world can come together to make decisions about the banking system as a whole.
“I believe we are fashioning a global deal, a grand bargain,” he continued.

The prime minister has talks with Silvio Berlusconi, Italian prime minister, in Rome tomorrow and Angela Merkel, German chancellor, in Berlin over the weekend. This will be the preliminary stage.
Government sources are placing a great deal of importance on the April summit.
It will be the first such summit Barack Obama attends, and the first attempt by the expanded G8 countries – now including developing economies like Brazil, China and India – to create a new regulatory framework for the global markets.
Labour officials also view it as a workable forum to revive Mr Brown’s image as a global statesman best placed to get Britain through the recession.