MPs fight Heathrow expansion
By staff
The furore over a new runway at Heathrow refuses to die down, with parliamentarians continuing to rebel against the proposal.
Liberal Democrat London spokesman Tom Brake is promising to table a series of parliamentary questions to bring out the costs of the runway.
Meanwhile, Welsh Liberal Democrat MP Mark Williams became the latest politician to become beneficial owner of a plot of land bought by Greenpeace in an attempt to delay the expansion.

He joins a host of celebrities and political figures backing Greenpeace’s plan, including actress Emma Thompson, comedian Alistair McGowan, and Conservative parliamentary candidate Zac Goldsmith.
“I am pleased to take part in the action taken by Greenpeace, which may be our only chance to stop, or at least delay, the expansion,” Mr Williams said.
Meanwhile, Mr Brake has launched a petition calling for the government to reconsider the expansion.
“I will continue to oppose and campaign against the third runway,” he said.
“Local residents must not think that this is a done deal. We will carry on the fight against Heathrow expansion.”
Tomorrow sees an opposition day debate in parliament on the plans, although the government is attempting to sidestep any Commons debate by relying on the planning application process.
On Thursday, a local council will unveil plans showing how the airport could be used as a rail hub for up to 40 trains an hour instead.
The continued debate around the expansion follows announcements from London Mayor Boris Johnson claiming a new airport on the Thames estuary would be credible.
The £40 billion airport is both technically feasible and could be built in eight years, the Mayor said.