Class more important than race, report finds
By staff
The issue of class inequality is making a resurgence in the political agenda once again as a new report is unveiled focusing on the ‘white working-class’.
The report, by Runnymead, responds to the comments made by Hazel Blears claiming the white working class’ concerns and grievances are being ignored.
This comment led to the assumption that the working classes were being discriminated against on grounds of race while ethnic minorities were given a helping hand.

The report found this assumption to be totally false.
The white working class are discriminated against on a number of different fronts but it is not because they are white but because of their economic status, the report concludes.
The report further alleges the way politicians are using the idea of class puts it into direct conflict with ideas of racial harmony; a sentiment echoed in a book on race relations released today, For full story click here.
Britain is still plagued by class division and economic background is still the best indicator of success in life. And class is still central to how people see their position within the UK, the report says.
Rob Berkeley, director of Runnymede, said: “There is an urgent need to ensure that a re-emergence of class onto the political agenda will not feed divisions, but promote equality for everyone.
“The way in which the debate has been framed so far hasn’t been particularly constructive. The message from this publication is that it’s possible to have a progressive debate on race and class in 21st century Britain that can lead to better outcomes for all.”
The Runnymede Trust is an independent policy research organisation focusing on equality and justice through the promotion of a successful multi-ethnic society.