Miliband on defensive over Heathrow runway
By Alex Stevenson
Fabian Society conference delegates were not in a receptive mood as climate change secretary Ed Miliband sought to defend the government’s Heathrow decision.
The move to back the construction of a third runway at Britain’s largest airport had reportedly divided the Cabinet with some, including Mr Miliband, notably worried by the development.
In his speech opening the one-day conference held in central London, Mr Miliband sought to present the decision as a compromise measure between barring further flights and allowing them to grow in an unconstrained way.

“I think the most important thing was to put a framework around current levels,” he told the Fabians’ new year conference.
Some members of the audience were unimpressed by this, however, with loud tuts heard. “That’s PR, PR,” one was heard to say.
Mr Miliband continued on regardless, arguing Britain would be able to adopt a leadership issue when it comes to climate change talks at Copenhagen later this year. The government plans to place emissions on a legal framework.
“This is a massive departure from business as usual,” he said.